Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms


The appearance of the Albino Penis Envy psilocybin mushrooms can be described as thick and stout. The caps are often small relative to its extremely thick stem, and are white or black in color. Because this is the Albino version, all parts of the shrooms are mostly white, black/blue or very light in color.

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Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms

Albino Penis Envy (APE) Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Albino Penis Envy), is one of the strongest and rarest magic mushrooms. This rare specimen is extremely difficult to grow thus we have a very limited supply. Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms has built a reputation to be one of the strongest shrooms, most reports say it is at least double the potency of other P. Cubensis strains.

We do not recommend this strain for beginners, experienced psychonauts only! Consume with caution. This mushroom strain is special and expect a trans-formative experience.

History of Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms

Albino Penis Envy (aka APE) magic mushrooms have an exciting past. That’s because it’s a hybrid of two legendary strains—Penis Envy and PF Albino.

Likely, you’ve heard all about Penis Envy magic mushrooms before. After all, they’re one of the most popular P. cubensis strains in the world.

If you don’t know about them, then the short version of the story goes like this. Famous mycologist and psychonaut Terence McKenna found huge P. cubensis growing in the Amazon Rainforest.

He sent them to a friend who cultured them until he found a mutant. That mutant was the biggest of the bunch and much more potent than any other cube strain.

Some madman decided that he would take Penis Envy and then make a hybrid with PF Albino. PF Albino is an albino version of the famous PF strain.

The thing is, PF Albino is an already incredibly potent strain itself. So you can only imagine just how robust Albino Penis Envy really is.

The Appearance of APE Mushroom

Albino Penis Envy magic mushrooms look unique, to say the least. When growing, they look a bit phallic. That’s because they have tiny caps and super thick stems.

However, the most striking feature of Albino Penis Envy is that they’re almost pure white. That’s why they’re called Albino Penis Envy.

The other thing about APE is that they grow shorter than regular Penis Envy magic mushrooms.

One thing you might notice about your batch of Albino Penis Envy is a bluish tint on some of the mushrooms. However, the bluing is totally natural and happens when the mushrooms get bruised.

That can happen from storage, transport, or even right after harvest. So don’t panic if you see some blue—it doesn’t affect the quality or potency of the mushies whatsoever.

Growing Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms

Psilocybe cubensis in general is not especially difficult to grow, but APE is an exception. Part of the difficulty is that it rarely releases fertile spores, so other methods of propagation are usually necessary. It’s also particular about its food, often doing poorly on popular substrates, like cakes. Even when everything goes right, Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms takes a long time to grow, and flushes tend to be small. It’s considered a novelty variety, something people growing to sell aren’t necessarily going to bother with, and nothing a beginner should tackle. Instead, Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms is a great variety for experienced growers who want a challenge and look forward to a few very potent shrooms at the end of the process.

An advantage of APE is that it’s a sturdy fungus, able to tolerate conditions (such as excessive heat, as when a heater malfunctions) that would kill almost any other kind of crop; poor growing conditions or residue from cleaning products can cause malformed fruiting bodies, but there is a crop. All this is not to say that careful attention to temperature and humidity and other details is unimportant—Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms will do better if it is well-cared-for.

Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms, like other hallucinogenic mushroom species, is illegal to grow or possess in many places. “Possession” includes growing the mushrooms. And yet, in many jurisdictions, possessing the spores is perfectly legal because it is the hallucinogenic substances, not the fungus that produces them, that the law concerns itself with. The mushroom contains the prohibited substances, so the mushroom is just as illegal as a vial of liquid psilocybin would be. But the spores can’t make a person trip—they don’t contain  any of the active ingredients, so the law doesn’t care (again, there are exceptions). That’s why it’s legal to sell, even advertise, growing kits that, if used as directed, will place the user in serious legal jeopardy.

Before growing or using Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms, or any other hallucinogenic mushroom, it’s important to learn what applicable law is in your area. Some people choose to break the law for any number of reasons, but getting arrested accidentally through ignorance would be unfortunate in the extreme.

Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms Effects

Penis Envy-type variants are popularly considered the most powerful strains of P. cubensis, and APE is considered the most powerful of the Penis Envy variants.  Its effects have been described in glowing terms as being very visual with a lot of euphoria and deep thoughts. However, P. cubensis in general is highly variable in its potency, and the effect of eating the mushrooms can vary, too, depending on both set and setting (the mindset and the surroundings of the user at the time). The bottom line is that mushroom variety is not always a reliable predictor of the quality of the experience.

APE can be consumed raw,  cooked, or in a tea, among other methods. Reportedly, it tastes a little bitter—not bad, exactly, but it would not likely be popular fare if it were not hallucinogenic. Once a person ingests it, however they ingest it, the effects might come on in anywhere from twenty to forty minutes, sometimes a little more—a delay that can make proper dosing a little tricky. The “trip” can last for up to six hours, though duration, too, is variable. “Flashbacks,” in which the effects suddenly reassert themselves long after the mushrooms have left the user’s system, are possible, and are either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on one’s point of view.

The full set of possible mental effects is long, but not everybody experiences all of them—indeed, many people have a great time, as can be expected of a fussy mushroom variety that many people do their best to grow anyway. Effects include: a distorted sense of reality; visual or auditory hallucinations (or both); euphoria; spiritual experiences; nervousness; paranoia; panic.

The distinction between “mental” and “physical” experiences is fuzzy at best and there are both medical and philosophical reasons to doubt whether the distinction even exists, but the terminology remains a useful shorthand because everybody knows what it means. The physical effects, then, of taking APE, include: widened pupils; elevated heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature; drowsiness; headaches; weakness or poor coordination (or both); nausea; and (very rarely) convulsions. Again, not everybody has all of the symptoms. “Trip reports” often don’t mention physical unpleasantness at all.

Some people use P. cubensis (not specifically Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms, but APE is likely included) to treat a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and addiction. Anecdotally, the mushroom seems to help when other treatments don’t. Anecdote can be misleading, but there is some scientific evidence that these treatments may work. The legal status of psilocybin and its chemical relatives makes researching and developing P. cubensis-based treatments difficult in the extreme.

Amongst mushroom and psilocybin enthusiasts, the Penis Envy Mushroom is an absolute winner for most. Not only does Penis Envy contain more ‘magic or psilocybin’ than other P. Cubensis strains, but can be grown at home as well. Interestingly enough, psilocybin mushrooms are the most commonly used psychedelics among people ages 34 and younger. And a 2012 study of 409 university students in the American northeast found that nearly 30% of those surveyed had tried mushrooms at least once. Those who have tried psilocybin mushrooms and have experienced Penis Envy Mushroom effects have reported:
  • Hypnagogic Experiences – 1-2.5g includes increased intensity of emotional experiences, increased introspection, and altered psychological functioning.
  • Perceptual Shifts – Changes in perceptual shifts such as illusions, synaesthesia, and mixing sensory modalities are experienced.
  • Visual Perception – You may experience changes in your visual perception such as halos around lights and objects and geometric patterns, when your eyes are closed.
  • Personal Perspective – Your thoughts and emotions will also start to change.
  • Emotional Shifts – Strong emotions are often experienced, ranging from good and bad. Most recommend that you don’t resist these emotions in either direction, but rather let them work their own course. Many who do report strong negative emotions also report a simultaneous sense of calm acceptance and detachment from them, especially if they remind themselves that the emotions are temporary.

Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushroom Effects

Get ready for the most exciting and colorful visuals you’ve ever experienced. Albino Penis Envy magic mushrooms deliver a seriously visual high.

Not only that, but APE also has a well-rounded body high that will make you feel like you’re sitting on clouds. Remember, these magic mushrooms are seriously strong, so get ready for some introspection.

Taking Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms Recreationally

If you’re looking for a recreational experience with APE magic mushrooms, then you’ll need to be careful. Since these mushrooms are so robust, you’ll need to take way less than what you’re used to.

As long as you and those around you dose carefully, then you’re in for an incredible time. Pure euphoria will whisk you up as you feel totally connected to everything around you.

After a little while, you’ll likely fall into some deep introspection. However, you’ll probably also feel intense visuals kick in even on low doses, so be prepared for it.

Remember to be responsible, especially when taking APE magic mushrooms. Make sure you only take some after reaching your destination and never drive or operate heavy machinery on them.

Also, remember to stay safe by being equipped with food, water, and good vibes. The high can last up to 6 hours or more, so plan accordingly.

Taking Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms Spiritually

If you’re ready to go to outer space, then Albino Penis Envy magic mushrooms will bring you there. The best part is, you probably won’t need to take a super high dose to get there.

However, if you really want to get the most spiritual experience possible, then you’ll need to plan your trip. Remember, a spiritual or mystical journey is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

So you’ll need to keep a key concept in mind called set and setting. Set and setting was thought up decades ago by psychedelic pioneers like Timothy Leary.

Basically, the set is your mindset, and the setting is your environment. So you need to think about your internal and external environments.

That means you need to think about your current state of mind. Ask yourself—am I in the right mental state to go on a journey to the furthest depths of my mind?

Then you’ll need to consider your setting or the place you want to trip at. It can be anywhere, but ideally, it should be somewhere comfortable, familiar, and safe.

Other people are also part of the setting. For spiritual journeys, you’ll want the least amount of people possible—to keep you from getting distracted.

However, you’ll want at least one person to act as a trip sitter. The trip sitter can watch over you to make sure you’re safe and can help you get out of a negative thought loop.

Once you’ve made adequate preparation, you’ll be ready for an intense trip on APE mushroom.

How to Dose Albino Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms

As we’ve said multiple times, you’ll need to take it really easy with Albino Penis Envy shrooms. Even experienced magic mushroom enthusiasts are caught off guard with just how potent these shrooms can be.

If you’re a beginner, then you’ll do well to start extremely low and go very slow. If you’ve never dosed magic mushrooms before, then here’s a standard guideline:

  • .25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
  • .25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
  • 1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
  • 5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
  • 5g+ for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)

Beginners will want to take a gram and under. Experienced users will probably want to start with a gram and then go from there.

However, if you take too much APE mushroom and end up in space, don’t say we didn’t warn you.



7 Grams, 14 Grams, Ounce


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